After the rain comes the rainbow, a beautiful bright early morning, DIMSUM YUM breakfast with the WBE Tribe – The morning after our LA Fashion Week Show at the W hotel comes the LA Dimsum Yum gathering at the crack of dawn… I have never in my life eaten so much Dim Sum!!
After a great opening speech by WBENC-West President Pamela Williamson, they got about ten of us up on stage to practice our 10 sec elevator pitch in front of all 150 guests. Its amazing how much brilliance can be condensed into 10 seconds, and how loud that buzzer is once your time is up!
After the rush of the 10 sec elevator pitches we all sat down at designated seats to get our round table discussions started.
One of the interesting topics of conversation brought up at our table was not only how we manage stress and commit to self care, but equally as important is how we gage, monitor and really track our emotional, physical and spiritual progress on a daily basis. Is there such a tracking device? Meditation was the common stress management tool and practice for over 50% of the table. Meditation was credited as being the highest return on time invested for mind, body and spirit.
I love that and couldn’t agree more. Then bringing the practice into our moment to moment activities and daily lives, vs. just the peace we feel sitting in silence, was something we all felt we were striving for. As for monitoring our progress and tracking our bodies bio rhythms and results of our efforts, I learned about a wonderful app that’s worn on the body called Bella Beat. Bella Beats tracks our resting heart rate, sleep cycle, menstrual cycle, distance walked, climbed, or run in a day, as well as hydration levels and much more. This was quite an exciting find for all of us who
didn’t know about it. I haven’t gotten my Bella Beat yet, but it’s on my to do list!
Another fantastic topic covered at the breakfast was the WBENC regional event that’s taking place this Sept in Palm Springs. I’m proud to say that SITA Couture along with WBENCs own Dawn Marchand will be producing a major fashion show for the event. More on this later but we are excited to announce that the show is on and we’re going to rock that catwalk!
Before we get Palm Springs fashion happy we have the WBE LA brand bazaar where WBENC will be shining a bright spotlight on the awesome brands within the WBENC community. I’m happy to announce that SITA Couture will be on the board of this event and promises to help make it just as sensational as the Holiday Bazaar!
A delicious start of the day with gal bonding and making plans, sprinkled with so much eating! My yum continued thru the day with my full doggy bag of DIMSUM gone by evening! These super star entrepreneur women most definitely got my appetite going!